About Tebbi!


Hello! It's me, Tebbi!

I'm the mascot of this website, so I'm on the header 'n all the buttons and blinkies!!

at least most of them...

You might be wondering what I am and what I like to do, but hold your horses!!
You holdin em??

Now that your horses are held, I can tell you all about me!

What the heck am I anyway?

Well I'm a cat, but not like how you think I am. I'm not a real cat, but a digital cat! I live in the coding of... well, everything! I can go wherever I want, as long as it's digital, even your computer! Don't worry though, I'm not gonna do anything bad like viruses and trojans do. I mostly just eat stray bytes and bugs.

yea, that's where all your memory is going... sorry...

But most of the time, I'm here! In this website! I've even got a nice lil house set up in here, which you can visit here! Make sure to wipe your shoes on the doormat before you come in, though. Digital stains are almost impossible to get rid of!

Things Tebbi Likes to do

  • Code fun things
  • Eat digital tuna
  • Collect web decorations
  • Sleep
  • Work on this website